
dental hygiene exam at creekside

Minor damage to a tooth may not require a more extensive dental treatment like crowns or veneers. Instead, dental bonding offers a simple solution that could restore the look and function of your tooth.

At Creekside Family Dental in Gahanna, OH, we offer bonding as part of our cosmetic dental procedures that fix problems while providing the best appearance possible.

What Is Dental Bonding?

Dental bonding is a cosmetic dentistry service that uses a tooth colored composite resin to fill in or cover problematic areas on a tooth. It allows you to keep and maintain your natural tooth while restoring parts that are damaged.

We are able to color the synthetic resin material so it perfectly matches the hue of your natural teeth, giving your teeth the best aesthetic look possible.

When Is Dental Bonding Used?

Our dentist, Dr. Will Leffler, may turn to bonding to fix minor tooth problems that don’t require fillings, crowns, inlays and onlays, or other dental solutions. It offers a quick, simple and cost-effective treatment option.

These types of problems are usually not severe enough to seriously impact the structure or function of the tooth. Instead, they impact the appearance of the tooth. Also, being proactive by applying bonding could add strength to prevent a minor issue from worsening.

Our office uses dental bonding as a solution for a slightly cracked or chipped tooth, which helps us fit our goal of using the most conservative approach before resorting to more extensive treatment. Bonding also helps us solve small bite misalignments, which can have a large impact on your oral health and overall health.

In addition, bonding provides a cosmetic treatment we can use to meet a patient’s desire to improve the look of their teeth. For example, we may use the bonding material to cover tooth blemishes and discoloration, as well as to fill in small gaps between teeth or to slightly change the size and shape of irregular teeth.

How Does a Dentist Carry Out Dental Bonding?

If you and Dr. Leffler decide that bonding is a good solution for your dental situation, he begins the process by preparing the surface of the impacted teeth. He applies a base layer of a liquid that goes between the tooth and the composite resin, helping the two stick to each other.

Once he applies the pliable resin material, he molds and shapes it to fit the situation. For example, he may push it into a crack, spread it over a chipped area or tooth gap, or cover the discoloration of a tooth.

When he is finished with the application, he polishes the material to complete the process. Once he is satisfied, he sets the material to harden it. The entire process is easy and comfortable. It is usually complete within an hour.

Is Bonding Long-Lasting?

The bonding material is not as strong as tooth restorations like crowns and veneers. It is more similar to a natural tooth, which can chip, crack and otherwise become damaged. Take care with hard foods, and continue with regular dental exams so we can check on the bonding.

You care for the bonded tooth similarly to caring for a regular tooth. The composite resin material is able to stain from foods, beverages and smoking, so following oral hygiene practices like brushing and flossing to care for it. Of course, these habits are important for cleaning the mouth and preventing plaque and tartar buildup as well. You may also want to minimize activities that contribute to staining, and make sure you come in for regular cleanings.

Make a Consultation Appointment

If you have experienced a chip, crack or other minor damage to a tooth, come in as soon as possible for a consultation appointment. Our dentist will evaluate the damage and let you know if bonding could provide a simple solution.

Make your appointment by calling our office team or scheduling your appointment here.