
extraction dental toolsIn some cases, removing a tooth is the best option to stop the progression of a dental problem. This is why it’s included in preventive dentistry options.

At Creekside Family Dental, we take steps to save your natural tooth. When this is not possible, we turn to extraction as a solution.

When Is Extraction Needed?

In certain dental situations, an extraction provides benefits that outweigh the loss of a tooth. Top reasons for extraction include severe damage or decay that is beyond fixing, or serious tooth or gum infection.

We may also recommend this service if you have overcrowding and removing a tooth would allow the other teeth to have enough space. Further, extraction may be needed as part of another dental service, such as implants or dentures.

Why Can’t I Keep a Damaged Tooth?

It’s understandable to desire keeping a damaged tooth rather than having it professionally removed. Stopping the problem prevents the need for costly, complex dental work later.

For example, untreated decay or infection generally continues to spread, so they could eventually cause harm to neighboring teeth and your gums and jaws. You could require a root canal, numerous implants, dentures or other dental solutions.

How Does the Tooth Extraction Process Work?

A professional tooth extraction involves taking out the entire tooth, including the crown and tooth root. Our dentist may perform a simple extraction or a surgical extraction to fit the situation.

In general, a simple one is used for teeth above the gumline, while a surgical one is needed for teeth under the gumline. Surgery may also be required for severely damaged or otherwise difficult-to-remove teeth.

Most situations would require a simple extraction. For this straightforward outpatient procedure, our dentist starts by using a local anesthetic to prevent discomfort. Once the area feels numb, he uses specialized tools to gently move and loosen the tooth until he is able to pull it out. Otherwise, a surgical extraction may be used only when needed.

Can I Be Sedated During Extraction?

Yes, our office offers sedation dentistry that we can use for a tooth removal procedure. Ask us about these options in advance if this procedure makes you feel anxious. We provide this option to help our patients feel as comfortable as possible during our dental services.

What Is the Extraction Recovery Process Like?

Before your extraction procedure, our team gives you recovery information specific to your situation. Our dentist may prescribe or recommend pain medication for your recovery, in which case you may want to pick up your prescription in advance.

In general, after the procedure, we recommend you rest for 24 hours while keeping gauze on the affected area and applying ice to the cheek above it. Also, post extraction care includes special hygiene and eating instructions.

Make a Consultation Appointment

If you have tooth damage or overcrowding, start with a consultation appointment. During this visit, our dentist examines the problem and determines whether extraction or another solution is the best answer. Call our Gahanna, OH office to make your appointment.